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In conversation with... Harvey Fielden

Written by Mobas | Apr 22, 2024 9:22:26 AM

...Harvey Fielden, Junior Account Manager

When did you join Mobas?

I’ve been at Mobas for two and a half years now. I started in November 2021, after completing an MSc in Strategic Marketing a few months before. Living in Milton Keynes, I commuted to begin with. Glad to say I found a place in Cambridge which is a bit closer – no 1.5-hour commute, each way! 

I’d been looking for jobs for a while before Mobas piqued my interest. Actually, I’d never considered agency-side, but – and I better say this (!) – it’s been a great move for me. I initially went for another role in Research and Insight but was called back about an Account Executive role in the client services team. 

What’s client services like?

Busy! I remember starting that it was a shock to the system. Going from undergrad, through further education and working in bars, I realised I hadn’t experienced a full working day. 

It was a steep learning curve, but I prefer things to be like this – I’ve very much got a ‘get stuck in, let’s go’ mentality. The workload is wide and varied in our fast-moving agency, with client services at the heart of it all.  

Client services deal with agency life in a different way. There are many other experts in their field alongside and around you, from strategy, research and creative. I like to be more of a generalist, with that strategy background – helping move projects forward on-time, and in budget, communicating in the best most efficient way possible. 

What do you find the most rewarding?

There are diverse relationships, and lots of valid opinions, from different points of view. For me, it’s about taking those on board and listening while representing my clients’ interests. 

One thing that’s challenging – but I’m getting better at it as the projects and years pass – is communicating upwards, and internally, as well as to clients. Managing expectations as things move along, and sometimes change. 

Another really rewarding aspect is the sectors: animal health, pharma, financial crime, land development… the list goes on. From one day working on medical research and surgical equipment, to the next day creating a website or a social media campaign for a charity – it’s so broad. 

The social side of everything in Mobas is great. I like to be involved: an in-house marketer, pushing the culture! 

Any favourite projects?

Tough one. Maybe the Royal Society of Chemistry: New Change Makers Brand (an entrepreneurial ecosystem for deep tech chemistry) or PEM’s brand evolution featuring stakeholder research, brand positioning and a creative refresh.

I also really enjoyed CEVA’s feline hypertension campaign.

What is your background before joining Mobas?

Before my MSc at Cranfield, I did an undergraduate in Ancient History at Cardiff, and prior to that worked in hospitality where I grew up in Milton Keynes. 

 I also did an internship at Gartner, an international research and advisory company, in the Market Analysis team who were engaging with a leading telecommunications company. 

What areas of marketing light a fire under you?

I love strategy-based projects: ones where a longer-term view is taken, to establish a service, disrupt a marketplace or launch a brand. Usually, and should, involve some detailed research and work before agreeing a proposition. 

But there are so many elements that go into one of our projects – strategy, research, insight, digital – and I’m lucky I get to work with them all. 

Any favourite types of projects?

For me, it’s probably a rebrand. From start to finish, you track it all the way through and work on so many elements, as well as having that strategic foresight and application. It has such an impact on the brand organisation and people involved. 

My expertise is definitely more towards the strategy side, and that might be something that I want to focus on later. But right now I work on creative, marketing, digital, and strategy and research projects all ongoing, with clients across the board. I have about 10 ongoing and love the variety. 

Anything you’d like to try your hand at next?

Out-of-home is definitely on the list. Big 48-sheet billboards, bus stop posters or petrol pumps at the supermarket. Something where the creative and work is out in the wild. I’d love to recognise branding I worked on when walking along somewhere in London. 

Any advice for others?

Consider agency life. There is so much to be gained from being in the room with so many varied people, with different experience. 

One thing people won’t know about you

I started a cooking Instagram page during the pandemic – @harveycooksfood. Check me out if you would like. Sometimes coming from the Mobas kitchen!