
At Mobas, the first thing we ask clients when discussing sales and business development is: what comes to mind when thinking about a successful sales and business development strategy?
The answer is either stunned silence or a lot of talk about all the activity that’s currently being executed alongside arbitrary KPIs – however, and most alarmingly, most of the time the activity isn’t set or aligned to a sales and business development strategy, one that’s completely integrated into the overall business commercial objectives and, of course, one that isn’t fully understood and bought into by the major internal stakeholders.

Scatter-gun, hope and pray, comfort blankets all come to mind!

A thoroughly developed and understood sales and business development strategy, aligned wholeheartedly to the overall business objectives for the guidance of objective KPIs, is to be embraced for ultimate success, and that’s exactly what we deliver for our customers.
A successful sales and business development strategy should deliver the following focuses:

  • Clear priorities everyone understands
  • Clear outcomes everyone can measure
  • Clear guidelines everyone can follow
  • Clear goals everyone can work toward

Strategy creation

Failure to develop a clear and concise strategy creates a scenario where sales teams and leaders make decisions based on what's best at that moment in time. Not because they’re selfish or short-sighted, but because they don’t know the big picture. 
Delivering a successful sales and business development strategy requires the customer team to understand the following key ingredients:

  • An accurate ideal customer profile
  • A SWOT analysis
  • A well-thought-through market strategy
  • Precise revenue goals
  • Clear positioning
  • Detailed action plan
  • Clarity of the marketing strategy – should be aligned
  • Fully understand the overall business / commercial objectives short-, medium- and long-term

Building the foundations

Commonly, most sales and business development strategies start with someone at the top coming up with arbitrary growth numbers which are typically driven by varying aspects, such as shareholder demands, product development, operational capacity, or factors that are typically nothing to do with sales and business development.
Whatever orders come from above, they must become a strategy that can support the desired growth. The secret to sustained growth is creating a powerful sales strategy to support it. The following steps we recommend and deliver for customers to create this type of strategy:

  • Step 1: Complete an audit of current sales and business development activities (what’s worked, what hasn’t, what’s been a huge success, what’s crashed and burned)
  • Step 2: Understand where you’ve been and where you are now
  • Step 2: Create a clear ideal customer profile
  • Step 3. Time for a SWOT analysis
  • Step 4. Set a clear market strategy
  • Step 5. Create clear revenue goals and KPIs
  • Step 6. Develop and communicate clear positioning (aligned to marketing)
  • Step 7. Clear action plan
  • Step 8: Gain complete buy-in from the senior leadership team

Our single-minded belief

Our goal is to help business leaders and sales and business development teams walk through a solid and well developed, tried, and tested process to ensure the successful delivery of a clear, concise, executable sales and business development strategy.
At the end of our process, the sales and business development teams will have gained clear priorities everyone understands, clear outcomes everyone can measure, clear guidelines everyone can follow, and clear goals that everyone can buy into and achieve as a cohesive team.
Our single-minded belief is that success comes from developing and understanding the strategy and then executing in a cohesive manner.

Ready for cohesion and direction?
Let’s talk.