
Cordic are a first-class booking and data dispatch system provider who develop and supply state-of-the-art fleet management solutions for the taxi and private hire sectors. They work with solutions rather than products at the forefront of their mind, making life easier for clients by making their businesses more efficient, and saving them time and money.

Bringing innovation to the fore

With Cordic consistently proving themselves to be one of the most innovative companies in their field since their inception in 2002, they wanted to update their brand across the board – not just visually, but in a way that would change the overall perception of the company – to highlight their solutions-driven and inspiring nature. Mobas was appointed to work closely with the Cordic team to bring this vision to life through gaining a deeper understanding of their client base, as well as Cordic themselves. It was then our job to inject this understanding into a brand that can be showcased across all client touchpoints and leave no doubt as to who Cordic are in the minds of their prospects.

Solutions Operators

Strategic brand development

A brand is so much more than a logo. It comes through in the way a brand speaks and interacts with its audience and so developing a tone of voice and set of key messages for the business’ audiences was critical to the success of this project. Through a brand voice and messaging workshop, we worked with the Cordic team to define a set of brand personality traits and values which would underpin the tone of voice for the brand, which would be used for developing copy on the new website, as well as other communications moving forward. We took this opportunity to get under the skin of the audience – understanding their motivations and challenges – and as a result developed a messaging matrix which would be a powerful tool in informing all brand communications.

The second workshop was to scope the website, taking a user-centric, audience-first approach. For the Cordic team, serving their customers and solving their problems was their number one priority. Through a series of exercises, we established the objectives and user stories for the website. We also started to get a sense of the visual styling of the new site by reviewing competitor sites as well as website designs from outside of the industry. These outputs were able to inform a website UX and design that would resonate with the audience and bring to the fore Cordic’s unique brand proposition.

Brand Guidelines

A fresh creative brand

Following on from the strategy workshops it was important to update the existing Cordic brand to reflect the findings and truly encapsulate the personality and values discovered. Working closely with the Cordic team a new visual identity was crafted to highlight and showcase their solutions-driven innovative work ethic which allows them to build on their long-term relationships – ultimately driving success for everyone who has a touchpoint with them. A minimalist wordmark logo paired with a modern gradient-based colour palette was designed to be fresh, modern and distinctive – giving Cordic a great level of stand-out in the marketplace.

Cordic website

A digital precence for the future

Using the outputs of our strategy workshops as a guide, Mobas worked to design and develop a responsive website that targets the needs of Cordic’s newly defined audiences, understanding that creating a strategic user journey was vital for improving the website’s performance. 

The website content follows a solutions-driven, ‘people first’ approach, optimised to increase sales calls by highlighting the company’s integrity and rock-solid foundations, while the design supports their personable nature and trustworthiness.

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