Gray Toynbee

Gray & Toynbee is a newly established property agent based in Cambridge. With many years’ experience in the property sector, the founders approached Mobas for support in creating a business proposition and creative brand that could successfully launch in a crowded marketplace – and demonstrate the quality of service when doing property properly.

“As a new business, we recognised the importance of getting our branding and marketing right, and getting it right first time round. The Mobas team guided us through the entire process, from concept to completion, producing something that we are incredibly proud of. The feedback we have received from our clients and from the local residents has been brilliant and is testimony itself to the quality that Mobas produce.” Chris Toynbee, Director, Gray & Toynbee

A collaborative approach

Mobas worked collaboratively with the Gray & Toynbee team to get under the skin of the business offering and help develop a proposition that would represent the values and mission of the founders, while resonating with audiences across the property market. Once defined, using our four-step process, the Mobas team developed a brand that would bring this to life, most importantly representing the fresh thinking to shake up a stagnant property market.

The execution of the brand can be seen at the Gray & Toynbee head office and across print and digital materials including website, digital ad presence and property boards

Gray & Toynbee
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What we can do for you

From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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Whether financial or professional services, through established firms, scale-ups and start-ups, to healthcare, retail, property, construction and more, dive into our case studies here.

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