Mobas has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the UK’s leading pub retailer and brewer, Greene King. Throughout the course of the relationship, Mobas has assisted Greene King in the transformation of several brands and B2B offerings. From establishing brand transformation through the creation of destination brands, to the development and support of Greene King’s online presence, Mobas has continued to work alongside the Greene King team to define and deliver on their business objectives.
Whether developing a brand, a suite of menus and collateral or a new website, Mobas works strategically with Greene King to understand not only its objectives, but also the requirement from a user’s perspective.
Our in-depth discover and define phases of project development allow us to get under the skin of the business, its market and understand its audiences in a way that enables us to create engaging, relevant content, design and functionality to ensure KPIs are met at all times.
From market and competitor research, trend analysis and user psychology conducted when commencing a menu creation and launch project, to our digital scoping process that includes user profiling, design analysis and site architecture, our processes allow us to provide the most effective results.

Our creative and design team are Greene King brand guardians, having worked with the brand guidelines for many years to ensure that all outputs are not only creative and relevant, but also completely true to the brand – ensuring consistent brand communications.

Mobas has had the pleasure of creating a number of Greene King destination brands including Eating Inn and Loch Fyne. In addition to this, we have also created and maintained a number of brand websites including Old English Inns, Belhaven, Hungry Horse and Metropolitan Brewing Co.
For a number of years, Mobas created and executed seasonal menu and Christmas campaigns for Old English Inns, Eating Inn, Loch Fyne and ‘mainstream high street’.

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What we can do for you
From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here.

Take a look at more of our case studies
Whether financial or professional services, through established firms, scale-ups and start-ups, to healthcare, retail, property, construction and more, dive into our case studies here.