Capturing the attention of the construction industry

As a leading supplier of innovation and sustainable aluminium solutions for the building envelope, Reynaers forms and maintains close partnerships with architects, main contractors and fabricators globally. However, it’s not always easy to capture their attention.



Video views

Social media reach

Creating debate

Our challenge was to create a stand-out, informative thought-leadership campaign, supported by PR and social media content, which would further position Reynaers as an industry leader. We were tasked with creating a content-driven campaign that would generate debate among architects, drive visitors to the Retnaers website and ultimately bring new leads and enquiries.

The View

Building a campaign

In 2017, we delivered a successful white paper campaign for Reynaers under the umbrella campaign name: 'The View'. The white paper – which resulted in a high number of downloads, new leads for Reynaers and two awards – explored the impact of innovative technologies on architectural design, tying in with Reynaers’ ‘Any Space Transformed’ campaign and Avalon, its virtual reality facility at Reynaers HQ in Belgium. 

Due to the success of our campaign, we decided to create a series, with ‘The View: The Architect Transformed’ being developed as a way to explore the impact of technology on architecture professionals. Alongside media partner Architecture Today, we hosted a round-table discussion with 12 influential architects from practices across the UK, which formed the next white paper that revolved around three core areas:

  • How architectural technologies such as computer-aided design, building information modelling and virtual reality are transforming design
  • Education and the future of viability architecture
  • Big data and the power of technology

The campaign launched with a dedicated landing page on the Reynaers website that introduced the white paper content and explained the concept behind The View. Visitors were invited to download the white paper via GDPR-compliant data opt-in or gated content. The page explained the concept behind the campaign, positioning Reynaers as experts and providing access to the first white paper in the series.

To help draw attention to the white paper itself, support the drive to increase downloads and raise the profile of the various spokespeople within Reynaers, we drafted three thought leadership articles aimed at the architecture press exploring the three key themes of the white paper. 

Social media marketing was also deployed to support the white paper. We used paid campaigns on Twitter and LinkedIn which linked to the landing page in addition to a number of organic posts. Paid campaigns were targeted at architects, using infographic-style images, alongside key points and statistics from the white paper.

Video content from the round table was also used to elaborate on each theme and encourage downloads. After a testing phase, we re-ran the best-performing ads on Twitter and LinkedIn. 

Finally, Reynaers rolled out an email campaign using internal GDPR-compliant databases and third-party publications. Teaser emails were sent introducing content and driving people to the campaign landing page.

Delivering results

The View white paper is the most successful paper that Reynaers has deployed to date. As gated content on the Reynaers website, the white paper has had a significant number of downloads, driven traffic to the website, engaged tens of thousands across social media platforms, generated new business enquiries and positioned Reynaers as an industry-leader. 

The campaign has demonstrated a high return on investment and was the best referrer of traffic to the Reynaers website over the period. 

The emailer, with three links and a call to action box, proved to be the most effective in driving people to the landing page. The videos also engaged visitors for three times as long compared to other marketing tactics. 

The three thought leadership articles have all secured placement in key architecture titles: Architecture Magazine, ABC+D magazine and Architecture Today.

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