Since opening in 2011, Bill’s has established itself as a Cambridge hotspot for relaxed, quality dining. But with the city’s vibrant food scene boosted by new kids on the block, the Bill’s management team issued us with a challenge to keep Bill’s top-of-mind and maintain its status as a desirable destination of choice.
With a diverse audience ranging from hip students to affluent empty-nesters, we hatched a broad marketing strategy to engage people on the ground, boost awareness and drive restaurant footfall. This was amplified by recruiting high profile local influencers to provide content across relevant social media channels and food blogs. This was complemented with PR content across the regional press and sponsorship of a Cambridge festival.

We deployed a Bill’s branded street team to create a buzz around the spectacular Trail of Light walk – one of the stand-out attractions of the Cambridge e-Luminate Festival. The ambient activity featured the devilishly cute idea of handing out Bill’s branded carrots to help festival-goers see in the dark and find their way to the restaurant. And when day dawned, we kicked off a campaign to sprinkle a little sunshine across the winter streets with branded cycle seat covers complete with discount vouchers.

With such high levels of powerfully memorable engagement, we’ve delivered increases in both brand awareness and footfall. The integration of the street activity, the traditional PR elements and the social media impact has all added up to a fantastic campaign which has helped raise awareness of Bill's both in Cambridge and further afield.

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