
The Mobas teams like nothing more than reinvigorating the brand of a complex membership organisation and helping a new leadership team to focus on what makes the organisation so powerful.

The Institute for Turnaround (The IFT) is a perfect case in point. With members ranging from the big four management consultancies and international banks, through to independent turnaround consultants, the audience for this brand project was diverse. Language was critical, with key terms in the sector carrying very specific meanings.

But the new leadership team had already delivered significant change within the organisation. It was time for the brand name and positioning to realign and reflect the engaged community that had been built.

Distilling the complex

While the project harnessed insight to deliver a naming strategy, positioning and expression of the brand, the strategy and outcomes for this project are best expressed by the client. The IFT’s CEO Milly Camley wrote on LinkedIn:

“We’ve adapted as a membership organisation, so we've engaged with our members and stakeholders to adapt our brand. Our core purpose of bringing together the UK’s foremost turnaround professionals remain encapsulated in our name as THE IFT and we have worked to incorporate a strapline that describes the breadth of member and partner activity in supporting UK business to adapt, transform and succeed.

“Through the process of evaluating our brand, members, partners and stakeholders have described the value their membership brings: from vigorous accreditation, which acts as a stamp of quality; through sharing of best practice; to networking and development of opportunities. While retaining these values, we’ve evolved to be a stronger, more engaging and inclusive organisation.

“Our purpose is to provide UK businesses with the best possible chance of survival and success, by creating, connecting and enhancing a community of experts, unmatched in professional quality and commitment.

“Our new strapline of ‘Adapt. Transform. Succeed.’ reflects a powerful and succinct representation of the work of The IFT, its members and stakeholders, with a focus on the tangible outcomes delivered.”

The power of the Mobas preference


Launching such a strong statement to any membership is rife with challenge, but the depths of insight delivered by the Mobas process drove the change and triggered uniformly positive support, all of which was fed back to the client team and shared with Mobas in recognition of the agency’s efforts.

If the best praise for brand work comes from the audiences for whom it was intended , then Mobas is very proud of these comments received from across The IFT’s corporate and consultant membership base: 


  • “Great to see the IFT brand refresh and the on-point strapline – adapt, transform, succeed. Very well done to Milly Camley and the IFT team.”
  • “Congratulations Milly and the team behind this rebrand. The new strapline clearly states our purpose as our members help challenged businesses move forward.”
  • “I love the outcome of the brand work!!!!"
  • “I think this looks great – much better message.”
  • “That is a great piece of work, well done to you and all colleagues!”
  • “Great strapline Milly – sums up what transformation is all about. Good reminder for me as I go into my new role.”

A definition to last

“You have tied up and brought together a lot of stuff here into a much more cohesive whole to bring clear focus, definition and direction for the IFT in the following components:

  • Logo strapline. This works. It is relevant, focused and comprehensive, and avoids being bland or generic.
  • Consideration criteria on what we do: the Critically Considers framework and components are an excellent concise and relevant checklist.
  • Excellent definition of the range of our coverage as defined: our membership, though select, encompasses expertise and interventions across a range of situations from turnaround and up the distress curve to transform.
  • Very clear purpose: to provide UK businesses with the best possible chance of survival and success, by creating, connecting and enhancing a community of experts, unmatched in professional quality and commitment.
  • Comprehensive micro pitch: The Institute of Turnaround supports and enhances the work of industry-leading professionals in helping challenged firms to achieve success through critical business change.”


“I think this will be really helpful to corporates and independents alike, so congratulations on a marvellous job!”

“...congratulations on concluding your re-branding exercise, which I think sounds victory for common sense.”

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