Mobas was asked to create a campaign concept to encourage people who had signed up to the Organ Donor Register to inform their loved ones of their wishes.

Creating a concept

The organisation had recognised that there was a high number of donors who were unable to donate as their loved ones were unaware of their wishes and therefore could not give permission. Our task was to promote telling people once registrants had signed up. A secondary message was to encourage more sign-ups.

The tricky thing with the brief was that it was to target adults of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities. We had to create a message that was applicable to everyone. That meant that we had to approach this concept differently. We needed to create a central point that could be adapted across different situations and could continue to grow. It had to be strong enough to work broadly, but also be adaptable enough to work when targeting a very specific audience.


Campaign results

We created the ‘I have’ speech bubble. The idea was that it would appear in everyday situations showing that the main subject of the advert had told their loved ones that they had joined the Organ Donor Register. It was intended to show that it does not need to be a big sit-down chat: it’s just an informal ‘by the way’.

The concept and campaign were designed to grow beyond an advert, or poster. The 'I have' idea was intended to have a wider reach across different platforms. It has been embraced by the client and has been used in several different ways.


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