
NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) were looking to create a targeted marketing campaign to help local people get the right care, at the right time, in the right place. Often, a lack of knowledge and awareness leads to people choosing the wrong service for their illness or injury, creating unnecessary demand on certain NHS services. 

Facebook page visits were up 56% on the previous period

1,473,564 total impressions

Total reach of 155,779 people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Defining the challenge

The main objective of the campaign was to raise awareness of the range of self-care and alternative NHS services available to parents with children aged 0-5 years before they consider visiting A&E. The Government runs a series of general marketing campaigns on this. However, this campaign was designed to target local audiences in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, with specific messaging. 

First Stop Advert

About the campaign

Mobas needed to develop a creative campaign that targeted this audience, encouraging them to make a behavioural change in their relationship with emergency services. The campaign needed to consider the direct audience, as well as their influencers – critically, direct family and other ‘mummy’ friends. 

Mobas developed a strategy and creative concept that could be used across digital marketing tactics to help raise awareness of the range of self-care and alternative NHS services available to parents before they consider visiting A&E.

Initially, the campaign utilised platforms such as Facebook and Instagram due to the ability to deliver targeted messaging for the target audience, within the local region. These platforms also offered the capability to target parents specifically, as well as other methods such as ‘parenting’ as an interest, parenting groups, and products that parents would be most likely to buy. A/B testing was completed in the first few weeks of the campaign to measure the effectiveness of the messaging and creative, with refinement throughout the campaign to improve campaign metrics. 

The campaign creative was developed in line with NHS guidelines. The leading pink was chosen to have relation to the traditional emergency red, but slightly softer in a friendly, approachable manner. The campaign led with a graphic mark to add instant recall when seen across multiple media platforms with a mix of supporting copy that covered the campaign key messages. 

Delivering an impact

 The test and refine methodology over the campaign period resulted in an effective campaign that delivered against the agreed KPIs. Highlights included:  

•    CPM and CTR rates beating healthcare industry averages  
•    1,473,564 total impressions 
•    Total reach of 155,779 people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
•    Facebook page visits were up 56% on the previous period 

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