
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer deaths in the UK. The 10-year survival rate is just 10%. The Targeted Lung Health Check (TLHC) programme wants to change that through early diagnosis and reducing inequalities in cancer outcomes. North East London Cancer Alliance was invited to take part in phase 3 of the TLHC programme from July 2022. Its aim was to reach members of the local population with a high risk of lung cancer and offer Low Dose CT (LDCT) scans to eligible subjects aged between 55 and 74. 

OOH at specific roadside and rail locations in Barking, reaching over 75,000 of our target age demographic

Programmatic display adverts on over 202 ad placements with over 740,000 impressions

Highly targeted Facebook advertising reaching over 60,000 with CPC (£0.40) and CTR (2.24%) exceeding those of the healthcare industry average

Building awareness and prompting action

To support this initiative, Mobas developed and launched the ‘Breathe Easy’ campaign in July 2022. The core aim was to increase awareness around this initiative within North East London, most specifically, Barking and Dagenham. 

Our understanding of the audience was that there are several underlying patient-perceived barriers for current and former smokers including emotional triggers around fear, guilt and embarrassment, all underpinned by additional concerns of Covid and the reliance on NHS services.

As a result, we looked to develop a concept that is conversational and conveys relief – relief that the check is done and that they have the all-clear, or that anything has been found and can be sorted. It aims to remove the anxiety felt by simply not knowing.

Separately, the two words also signify a core message to our audience: the word ‘breathe’ relates to the action performed by the lungs making it totally relevant to the screen, and ‘easy’ representing the ease of the check itself, lightening the mood and making it feel less medical, and more simple. The imagery depicts captured moments of relaxation or relief, reflecting the sentiment of the line itself and highlights the relief in knowing.

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A mixed media approach to deliver results

•    OOH at specific roadside and rail locations in Barking, reaching over 75,000 of our target age demographic
•    Print ads in local newspapers
•    Programmatic display adverts on over 202 ad placements with over 740,000 impressions
•    Radio advertising on Time FM 107.5 resulted in 285,770 adult impacts resulting in a gross figure of 4,504,879 cumulative impacts
•    Highly targeted Facebook advertising reaching over 60,000 with CPC (£0.40) and CTR (2.24%) exceeding those of the healthcare industry average (£1.15 CPC) and CTR (0.83%)


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