
An owner-managed IT support and management firm, ILUX had experienced impressive grown since its launch in 2008. This was largely through word-of-mouth and so the focus on marketing had been limited, resulting in relatively low brand awareness. However, the ILUX team identified the need to improve marketing efforts in order to develop the sales pipeline and appointed Mobas to redefine their brand, in order to give them standout in the marketplace and highlight their points of difference.

Discovering what makes ILUX different

Mobas began the project with a thorough research phase, looking closely at competitors and general trends within the marketplace. The research phase also included interviews with staff and clients, in order to understand what made ILUX different to other IT support and management companies. Following this research, Mobas carried out a workshop with key team members, reporting back on the research findings and also drawing upon the team’s experience and ILUX’s unique attributes. 

From this, Mobas redefined the brand and delivered a new brand essence: Powering success. It also became apparent from this process that ILUX were a challenger brand within their industry and so it would be important that anything that was developed from a marketing perspective needed to live up to this.

Energising the existing brand

It was also established as part of this process that there was not a need to relook at the visual brand, as it had enough standout within the marketplace among competitors and already reflected the essence of the brand. However, it was important to develop a robust visual styling to support this redefined brand. Therefore, Mobas developed a new visual style for the ILUX brand, including a revitalised colour palette, graphic device and photography style. This filtered through to many of ILUX’s marketing touchpoints, from the website through to the ILUX cars that were out on the road representing the brand.

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