

Since launching commercially in 2013, ChickenGuard has created a global presence and expanded sales to 49 countries worldwide. The product protects poultry against predators, and gives chicken-owners peace of mind, by creating high-quality, innovative products which are hand-crafted in the UK. 

With more than 60 million chicken-keeping households globally, and over one million in the UK alone, ChickenGuard approached Mobas to augment brand awareness across a variety of UK B2C and B2B channels, and position the world’s most innovative automatic chicken coop door-opener as the ‘go-to’ product for chicken-owners. 

Queen's Award Winner

Coverage items


Opportunities to see

Challenging perceptions

The media was doing a good job of convincing people pets popularity was a two-horse race (cats vs. dogs), so Mobas developed a PR-led strategy which pecked its way into the conversation. The integrated campaign approach sought to elevate the conversation about the growing popularity of chicken ownership in the UK with the relevant media including poultry trade, lifestyle and news journalists and influential chicken keepers. 

Chicken guard masterhead

Delivering results

The ongoing PR campaign is going from strength to strength thanks to a comprehensive programme of news releases, SEO optimised blog posts, award nominations, case studies, influencer reviews, media stunts and business profile pieces. 

Reaching the masses


Since the PR campaign commenced in April 2019, the PR team has achieved over 50 pieces of coverage in key titles such as The Metro and Country Smallholding achieving over 2.5 million opportunities to see. Mobas has also achieved positive video reviews from prolific chicken owners such as Sarah Kilby

Those strolling through Cambridge one rainy morning in August, may have had to double-take when seeing four inflatable chickens being chased down the River Cam by a cunning fox on punts. The media stunt, which achieved several pieces of coverage locally and in trade titles, marked ChickenGuard being officially presented with a Queen’s Award for International Trade for Outstanding Short-Term Growth in overseas sales. In September 2019, the business walked away with two PetQuip awards including Pet Product of the Year, thanks to the nominations our PR team crafted in collaboration with ChickenGuard.


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