Meet cambridge

Meet Cambridge is a free venue-finding service specialising in unique venues within the Cambridge area. The company markets a diverse portfolio of a wide range of venues and provides event management services to clients across the UK and beyond.

Supporting events from dinners, large banquets, meetings and conferences, to overnight accommodation and more, Meet Cambridge required a digital platform that caters for a variety of different users while showcasing the best in event planning as well as venue and destination information.

The brief

The website is one of the most important marketing tools for Meet Cambridge and, with the existing website having been live for several years, returning positive conversion and ranking rates, it was time to build on the strong foundations put in place and reassess the current marketplace. 

Meet Cambridge

The importance of scope

After re-evaluating the user journeys to establish the different audience types and their needs, wants, entry channels and pages, we were able to define the recommended changes to the exiting platform. These included a modernised UX and design – utilising the brand and strengthening its presence and representation across the site – and a restructure of the information architecture. The latter was particularly critical with digital trends demonstrating that website visitors are spending less and less time on web pages, unless they can find the information easily and efficiently. This led to the simplification of the navigation, breaking down the Meet Cambridge service offering into easily digestible sections, and bringing the enquire call-to-action to be more prominent. 

Project completion

The refreshed site is now live and demonstrating positive results from the changes that have been made. 

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From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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