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How do you create a brand hierarchy that pivots an essential UK institution and fuels its transformation to a successful commercial entity? That was the challenge for Mobas and its long-term client Ombudsman Services.


group brand established

new business unit brands launched


People engaged


consumer brand touchpoints annually

The opportunity

Ombudsman Services is responsible for the resolution of customer issues in some of the UK’s most contentious sectors, including energy, telecoms, parking and the digital world. Operating in the space between the regulator, supplier and customer, the organisation has seen major changes in the marketplace that have impacted consumers, businesses, suppliers and regulators. 

Since the privatisation of the energy and telecoms markets, consumers have been faced with a confusing array of new supplier options in both markets. Market volatility combined with customer service systems, which have been slow to evolve, have undermined consumer confidence. The Which? consumer tracker in May 2022 showed that trust in the gas and electricity industry had fallen dramatically.

Ombudsman Services saw the opportunity to meet the challenge of falling consumer trust. Years of experience in resolving complaints has given the organisation an unrivalled perspective on how to prevent issues from arising. From consumer behaviour, through staff and systems, to intelligent technology, Ombudsman Services saw the opportunity to pivot from a reactive impartial arbitrator, to a proactive specialist in the building and maintenance of consumer trust, with a consultative and commercial offering spanning all areas from insight to IT. 

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The solution
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With this in mind, Ombudsman Services approached established partner Mobas to guide the evolution of one long-established UK institutional brand to a brand hierarchy, designed to drive change in key industries through existing and new commercial relationships – the bold goal being to drive such widespread change that the role of the ombudsman becomes redundant in these key sectors due to lack of need.

The brand needed to drive organisational change as new teams were formed. Mobas undertook a deep dive into the business, working collectively with wide-ranging stakeholders to understand the aims and ambitions of each emerging business unit. From there, a strategic programme was undertaken over 18 months to restructure the business.

As an organisation with 500+ employees, stakeholder engagement was paramount to the success of embracing change. A series of workshops to redefine the brand narrative, values and behaviours took place with key influencers from across the business at the head office of Ombudsman Services in Warrington. 

The output of the deep dive and stakeholder engagement was the creation and naming of a new parent group company and brand; renaming of two business units (including one recent acquisition); and development of six brand identities – allowing each business unit to have a presence that would resonate, engage, retain and compete for customers in its own relevant industry space. 


The newly named parent company ‘Trust Alliance Group’ has one clear purpose – to build, maintain and restore trust and confidence between consumers and businesses. The new group retains the clarity and impartiality of its ombudsman heritage, but frees its business units to operate more commercially where relevant.

Trust is built upon reputation, balance and fairness, and the newly named Trust Alliance Group aims to do this through open communication with consumers, suppliers, regulators and wider stakeholders. 

The 500+ strong team are a key audience for this business transformation. Their behaviour must personify the brand and Mobas has worked extensively with the team to drive brand behaviour into the business and to harness it as a beacon to attract the top talent, able to deliver the services of the future.

Delivery and lasting impact

To launch the brands internally, a programme of activity to support colleagues’ understanding of the changes was undertaken, with the key focus being an initial launch event to unveil the new purpose, structure and brands to colleagues at a firm-wide convention in Manchester. 

The roll-out of the brands was a major programme, from the creation of office interiors, signage, branded materials, through to employee engagement videos and learning and development animations.

Alongside this, key tactical deliverables included video animations; desk-drop items such as lanyards; and the creation of personas (colleagues, suppliers, customers) that would resonate with colleagues in everyday situations at Trust Alliance Group.

The pace of change is significant and requires a high-level of brand communication support. The partnership between Trust Alliance Group and Mobas continues as we look to develop further communication pieces across the business.


What we can do for you

From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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