Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press challenged Mobas to create a campaign to engage a millennial audience and promote the recently published title ‘There Is No Planet B’ by Mike Berners-Lee.



Link clicks


Reaching the masses

Cambridge University Press challenged Mobas to create a campaign to engage a millennial audience and promote the recently published ‘There Is No Planet B’ by Mike Berners-Lee. Our brief was to research and identify the audience through social media channels, and generate website traffic to key distributors of the book, whilst delivering optimum ROI.

Pinpointing the audience

Our initial task was to identify and understand our target audience, and get under the skin of their behaviours, opinions and the channels they are using. With the knowledge of our target audiences we were able to develop a strategic multi-channel campaign which was launched across Instagram and Facebook. The campaign was run during the build-up to Christmas.


Delivering results

Overall the campaign received 1.3+ impressions, over 4,000 website clicks which resulted in an average cost per click of £0.30, which is significantly below the industry average. 

If you’re looking for support for your next campaign, why not reach out to our expert social team who can help you craft an effective campaign that doesn’t just deliver vanity metrics, but focuses on helping you reach your business goals, whilst continually demonstrating ROI.

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From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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