
From California to Florida, from New York to Paris, travel can create magic. But when tasked with redefining a travel brand, Mobas’ approach to research and insight would unlock so much more.

Breathing new life into the brand

Attraction Tickets Direct had been delivering tickets for some of the world’s leading attractions since 2002. With tickets for attractions in Orlando, Florida and New York to name a few, the business had achieved great success. While the existing brand had got them this far, they wanted to develop their offering, so that it could be seen as so much more than its USA offering.

Understanding a brand’s strengths

At Mobas, we know that a brand is so much more than a logo and this was never so true as with Attraction Tickets Direct whose dated logo was holding their brand back. We started with desk research to get an in-depth understanding of the landscape in this incredibly competitive marketplace. From this we were able to glean an insight into the tactics undertook by competitors, from aggressive PPC activity to sales-driven marketing communications.

Following this, Mobas conducted one-to-one interviews with staff members from the client’s team, from across the business. We also interviewed customers, from those who had been buying Disney park tickets from Attraction Tickets Direct for over 20 years, to those who had discovered the company more recently. 

Adding happiness

These quantitative techniques enabled Mobas to really uncover what made the business so magical. From the way that the customer service team went out of their way to help make their customers’ trips completely tailored to them and their families, right through to the physical tickets that arrived when people booked their trip of a lifetime. Every step of the way, Attraction Tickets Direct was ‘Adding happiness’.

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From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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