
Having built a long-term relationship with MSD Animal Health’s range of pet parasite products, Mobas was tasked with developing a concept for a 12-week print campaign in leading trade title Veterinary Times. The 12 varied insertions would lead up to a new product launch and was devised to reflect the product’s USP of ‘12-week protection’ to resonate with vets in a different way than previous campaign messaging had. The campaign’s task was twofold: it needed to promote the existing product portfolio and also tease the new member of the ‘family’ in weeks 11 and 12.


We decided to focus on highlighting to vet practices why the product is unique and therefore why they should be prescribing it. The length of the 12-week campaign – unusually long for a vet press campaign – mirrored the unique length of efficacy of one dose. We maximised this fact by imagining that the dose was given at the start of the campaign and kept working right through to week 12: headlines spelled this out clearly, e.g. ‘7th week of protection… …5 still to go.’ On full-colour, full-bleed cat and dog photography, this message counted down to the launch message and the final week – and meant that readers were experiencing the product’s efficacy in real time.



A series of 12 adverts and wraps were produced. In addition to the main creative we exploited the fact that the launch product’s name had 12 letters, each one different. We proposed a promotion to the client whereby one Scrabble-style letter tile was incorporated into each ad: these had to be collected and in week 12 rearranged into the two-word phrase. This encouraged readers to follow the campaign and gave them the chance to win an educational prize for their practice waiting room. The campaign attracted much attention and interest from Veterinary Times readers, and has been praised by the client and the vet trade alike. 


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