Robinson Young

After years of using the same website to promote their sales, marketing and distribution services, Robinson Young approached Mobas for a site refresh. The company felt their existing site was out of date and didn’t reflect their services accurately, and as such requested Mobas’ help to build a new site that would be modern, intuitive and clear for all users. 

Robinson Young – who have the logistical advantage of being located close to Felixstowe port – have been distributing non-food goods since 1972, becoming the trusted distributor of many well-loved brands such as ACE and Tena, and working with reputable stockists such as Boots, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose. 

“Mobas have been instrumental in launching a fantastic new website that is much more modern, professional and targeted exactly for our audience” Shirley Peet, Marketing Manager at Robinson Young


We kicked off the process with a scoping workshop where, along with key members of the Robinson Young team, we identified the main objectives for the site, both for the user and for Robinson Young themselves. Through this, we then defined what the user journeys, refreshed messages and key content should be in order to determine a basis for the new sitemap upon which we would build the site. A simple, effective user experience would be crucial for the success of the site.

Clarifying the journey

With the outputs from the scoping session, we further refined the requirements of the website, taking into account the functionality, strategy and design that all come together to fulfil the site’s holistic purpose. We suggested a more modern take on the company’s current branding, taking the existing colours and reviving them, as well as clarifying the company’s offering and creating a clearer path through the site. 

Clarifying the journey

A modernised look and updated offering

The result of our efforts is a modernised, user-friendly website that expertly defines Robinson Young’s sales, marketing and distribution services. The site clearly showcases the company’s expertise and successes - powered by their many years of experience in the industry - through the use of updated and well-considered imagery, reformed colour palette, and strategic basis for both the user journey through the site and the information and messaging that sits on each page. 

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