
Two years after the launch of Saville Group and its two new brands, Sparq and Visavvi, Saville Group joined forces with Mobas once again to update the Sparq website to stay ahead in the ever-changing events industry.

Using insight to cater for your customer needs

Just over a year after the launch of the new Sparq brand and website, Saville Group and Mobas looked at learnings from website analytics to date, customer feedback and the experiences of the sales team to date. Three issues stood out:

  1. Big-ticket projects had gone from the norm to the exception due to a changing economic climate and a more reserved approach to corporate spending.
  2. Smaller ad hoc projects were proving more profitable and used to make up 80% of revenue but were not being nurtured correctly.
  3. Dry hire of AV equipment when not in use generated a steady stream of income, especially in quieter months, but was never highlighted or actively marketed.

Ultimately the website as it stood was built to cater for a different market to the one Sparq inhabited eighteen months after launch, and therefore a website that supplied very different audiences with solutions to very different goals needed to be created.

Building on strong foundations

Over the following months, Mobas hosted a series of workshops and scoping sessions with the core Sparq team. During these sessions we worked collaboratively to plot the strengths and weaknesses of the current site with a view to shift the focus from ‘360°’ live events to a balanced overview of all the services offered. 

Typical customer journeys were reviewed against search term keywords, stages of entry to the website during the customer funnel, and competitor offerings – the conclusion being that Sparq’s point of difference and market value lay in its ability to offer high-value kit solutions at the higher and lower ends of the market, regionally, all supported by expert technical knowledge. 

As a result Sparq chose to split its offering between 360 technical event creation, event services and AV equipment hire. Mobas’ job was to build a website that reflected this offering by fusing it to the skeleton of the existing one.

Sparq Mockups

Staying ahead of the game

In March 2020, the new hybrid site was close to completion. The Sparq site now featured an elevated look and feel that showed a marked progression of the brand from its initial application; three distinct site areas and journeys to address specific customer needs; and a new microcosm built around ‘AV equipment hire’ that would allow for item listings showing stock availability and regional subpages which targeted digital marketing campaigns and could be executed around at key times of the year. 

On 23rd March the UK Government announced a nationwide lockdown that cancelled all gatherings and events for the foreseeable future and the project was paused. 

Undeterred Sparq put its knowledge of technical event production to good use and began live-streaming events, curating virtual and hybrid events, and offering secure streaming for court cases across the world. Just a few short months later Mobas was briefed to update and expand what was ‘360 technical event creation’ to include all of these new offerings, now billed simply as ‘event creation’. 

Go and visit

Don't take our word for it being a great website, go and take a look for yourself.

Related article: branding and the digital age


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