Dalcour Maclaren

Dalcour Maclaren are a market-leading property and environment consultancy firm, working exclusively for the utility and infrastructure sectors since 2003. After a period of strong growth, Dalcour Maclaren appointed Mobas to support their business with a robust brand strategy, in order to define their brand proposition in a competitive marketplace.

Unlocking the brand essence

The process for the brand strategy project began with the Discover phase, where insight was gleaned from market and competitor research in order to understand the competitive landscape and marketplace environment. The perception of the industry is that it’s traditional and lacks innovation, and so Dalcour Maclaren’s progressive approach and its youthful spirit would be key to setting the brand apart from its competitors.

As part of this stage, Mobas also carried out staff and customer research, conducting interviews with a range of individuals from across the business and with a variety of clients. Dalcour Maclaren’s modern, proactive approach and enthusiasm came across strongly during this phase of work and so showcasing this through the newly defined brand would be critical to the success of the project.

Not your average chartered surveyor

Delving deeper

From the Discover phase, much insight was obtained and a clear picture of who Dalcour Maclaren are and what they stand for was starting to appear. The next stage was for Mobas to carry out a workshop with the key stakeholders of the project, to delve deeper into the company’s ambitions and where they want to go into the future – and how this fits against the backdrop of the rest of the industry. 

Following the workshop, the Brand Map was developed, outlining Dalcour Maclaren’s mission, vision, personality traits, values and crucially, the brand essence – a simple, memorable phrase that succinctly captures the essence of the organisation.

Making a mark

The real impact of the brand strategy came when the outputs of the project were delivered to the whole company, which took place during a company away-day. This allowed Mobas to present the findings and outcomes of the project to staff and also to provide ‘being the brand’ training, to ensure that the newly defined brand would be delivered at every touchpoint moving forward.

While the visual brand logo didn’t need to change following the recommendations from the brand strategy, a visual style was developed to support the brand including graphic devices, photography and additional secondary brand colours to reflect the progressive and ambitious brand personality.

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From brand strategy, design and creative, to research and insight and digital marketing, including websites and social, take a look here. 

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