
Client Services: the central hub of an agency

13 November 2019 2 min read
Client Services: the central hub of an agency

A marketing agency: the hub of creatives, strategists and digital experts. But where does Client Services fit into this? Client Services Group Account Director Ellen explains the inner workings of a Client Services team and their role at Mobas.

Every agency has some sort of Client team, the people people. Whether that be Account Managers or certain people who are dedicated to a particular client within the company in any department. That team will have a varied responsibility depending upon the agencies processes and services which they provide.

At Mobas, our Client Services team is connected into every department, service or client communication we have internally or externally. The generic invoicing and admin work is only a tiny percentage of a Client Services role at Mobas, the most important being continual client partnerships, project management and internal relationships. Internal understandings and workings of your clients’ businesses is crucial knowledge which is accrued over time and retained within Client Services. They are not a passive cog pushing through work in a busy agency environment, nor are they admin workers. It is important people understand the true worth of Client Services for their business: maintaining a happy client.

So who are Client Services?

Client Services are your sales team; they brainstorm with your clients and help your client to reach their business goals and go hand in hand to help your company with targets: whether that be through new creative ideas, campaigns or brand transformation. 

Client Services are your mediators; they digest new briefs, wants and needs from your clients and put it forward to the relevant team using their industry knowledge from that sector that suits your business processes. 

Client Services are your all-rounders; they must understand the basics of print, design, development, digital marketing and social in order to communicate with the client and the rest of your business’ departments to push through projects.

Client Services are your project managers; pushing through multiple projects for multiple clients, ensuring deadline are met as well as criteria, client goals and targets.

Client Services are your thinkers; they push back when a client is going against brand guidelines, strategy or campaigns or if a client is thinking too outside the box: protecting the client and their brand.

Client Services are your client experts; they represent your client in house and know the clients’ business goals, targets and internal logistics. They know when something is right for the clients’ business needs and will push back if other departments are not hitting the brief.

At Mobas we are adept at staying up to speed with the needs of our clients in an ever-changing world. If you need an agency who think differently, then get in touch to find out more about our transformative approach. 



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